The cure for anything is the sea...
The cure for anything is the sea...
The Nereids
Cousins of the merfolk and sirens, Nereids are more advanced and capable of functioning both in and out of water. Unlike their scaly relatives, however, Nereid "scales" are built more like armor. They are a warrior species, fighting to protect the inlanders from the unfriendly creatures of the sea. They do not eat meat (not even fish), but their diets mostly involve fruit, kelp, vegetables.
Nereid Form
Armored scale tails, forearms, shoulders
10-15 ft in length
Porous skin for breathing under water
Human Form
6-8ft in height
Muscular and lithe build
Elemental Manipulation (all but fire)
Sirens Shield
able to counter attack the Siren's Song so it won't affect those hearing it
High resistance to most poisons
Immune to illnesses
Able to heal self and others from near fatal injuries
Able to adapt as necessary
this means they can go from saltwater to fresh water; from sea to land as needed
Fire Elemental attacks
Nightcrawler venom
Colossus Jelly venom